Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood - Kupergames

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood - The early stages. Tells the story of Jacob who has just come home. He got a letter that his mother had died. You have to help Jacob to solve the mystery that exists on the island.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 5

1. Look at a boat. You will get a machete, a hook, a rope, and a letter. I'm sure this stage doesn't make you confused.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

2. Take worms in rotten fruit. Use a machete to look for it. And then, look at the bamboo trees. Use a machete to get a stick

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

3. Give everything you find for Jacob. He will fish for a shrimp for you.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

4. Give the shrimp to Jacob's uncle. Now, you can go inside.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

5. Go further in to find the house. Take the jar inside the safe.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

6. Fill the jar with blood. You can pick it up at a tipping pump. Take it and give it to Jacob's father.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

7. Fill the jar with blood again. Take it and give it to a goat.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

8. Put all the leeches into the mouth of the owl statue. So that it is filled with blood. You will get a key.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

9. Open the door using a key.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

10. Go to the beach. Then, open the Coffin.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

11. Place the cube in a place inside the place of worship.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

12. END.

Walkthrough Rusty Lake Paradise Plague 1 - Water turns into Blood

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